DR Tsuguyasu Sasaki

DR Tsuguyasu Sasaki


Worked at a general dental office in Tokyo and Chiba, Japan 2007-2011 The assistant director of Sasaki Dental Clinic, Kyoto, Japan since 2011~ Member of ICCMO in 2009 Fellow of ICCMO in 2013 Instructor of MORITA NM seminar in Japan since 2019 Member of The Japanese Society of Oral Implantology Egoscue Posture Alignment Specialist


TOPIC - Discussion of the Efficacy of Multiloop Edgewise Archwire in Occlusal Reconstruction Based on the Neuromuscular Concept The mandible functionally adapts to the maxillary dentition. The width of the maxillary dentition and the inclination of the occlusal plane have a significant impact on the growth of the mandible. The cause of most temporomandibular joint disorders is the recession of the mandible due to narrowing of the dentition. This is as if you were forcibly trying to park a car in a narrow parking lot. The mission of neuromuscular dentists are widening the maxilla, which is the “parking lot” so that even a large mandible, which is the “car,” can be easily parked in the muscular position. The use of orthodontic treatment for occlusal reconstruction based on the neuromuscular concept is very effective. In this presentation, I will discuss the efficacy of MEAW.